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Sharmila Thiyasrilan

Age range: 0 year to 17 years old

Vacancy information: Space for all ages
Updated: 14 January 2020

Children’s needs are best met when space and resources allow children to play, learn and develop. The environment should be warm and welcoming to all children and parents. It should be safe and secure, with space organised and used to promote children's development. My childminding offers wholehearted commitment and comprehensive childcare.

Increasing demands are being made on childcare facilities, since all parents want the very best for their children, right from their very first learning experiences. In addition, there is now a marked trend towards intellectual education for children, but still children also need to play, move, get enough exercise and discover their own bodies, and all the while be made to feel valued. My setting achieves these objectives by offering a dedicated playroom with space for moving around, plenty of opportunity for play, a large selection of books and various facilities for creative activity, all within a nurturing, home environment.

I offer a warm, friendly home from home setting. I have a designated children's play area which is designed to be very colourful and welcoming for all the children. Within the play area I have a children's seated area (table) where we do write, drawing, painting, play dough, baking arts and crafts and all sorts of activities and arts and crafts to keep them entertained. I also offer a wide range of resources available for free play. I also have an outdoor space for messy arts and crafts.

Who to contact

Contact Name
Sharmila Thiyasrilan

Where to go

5 Saltfield Crescent

Last updated 01/09/2022