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Luton United Synagogue

Coronavirus support

Who we can help: service users only
Contact: Laurence Benjamin (Chairman Luton United Synagogue) - email
Support offered: Service users. All members are phoned, but priority to those living alone and/or elderly.

  • Weekly contact phone calls.
  • Some kosher food delivery, but very limited.

About us

The Luton United Synagogue represents the Orthodox Jewish community in Luton and around the Beds, Bucks and Herts area.

Jews have been in Luton for well over 100 years and a century of Jews influenced the town in many ways. The traditional straw hat factories and shmutter establishments may have long since disappeared, but they brought prosperity to the town.

Luton may well be a small provincial community but what we lack in size is more than made up with our warmth and enthusiasm. We moved from our oversized and unwelcoming shul in Bury Park and now have a smaller but very comfortable shul. Those who may recall the stained glass windows will know how uninspiring they were, stuck up on the wall. Now the light shines through and everything comes alive. The old imposing Ark has been replaced with a modern custom made item of inspiration and beauty.

Luton continues to boast its own resident Rabbi. Rabbi Yossi Schwei, and his wife Rivkah, continue to inspire and support, even after 20+ years of unflinching service.  Shabbos services, cheder, social groups for the young, and not so young, adult education and discussion groups are all regular weekly and monthly events.

Visit our shul any time and see for yourself how small can be good for the family and soul.


We offer religious services on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings (Shabbos) as well as Jewish festivals. Please contact our Rabbi, Rabbi Schwei for more details.

Who to contact


Where to go

Luton United Synagoigue
656 Dunstable Road

Other Details

Last updated 25/11/2021